Why Is Amazon Getting Serious About Blockchain - Part 2?

This is the continuation of the previous post. Get enlightened about the various factors influencing AWS.

Expanding The B2B Domination

Often observed on the business-to-business front, the blockchain’s value to Amazon as well as the company’s initial splash into the area, are much clearer. Whereas for one the B2B realm has a much more developed ecosystem for blockchain and Amazon’s existing platforms are already optimized to incorporate the technology. Therefore, Amazon Web Services is a company’s cloud server solution for businesses, which has the pieces in place to easily adapt blockchain.

To comment regarding it, therefore the company has also been more aggressive in finding the readymade partners to integrate its new BaaS platform for example Amazon recently announced a partnership with the Qtum foundation to incorporate the projects’ dApp development and smart contract tools into AWS. Therefore it is found that hereby Qtum provides what is a blockchain optimized for those business users as they help companies quickly create blockchain applications and smart contracts without as such having to handle those heavy lifting which is associated with infrastructure.

Thereby most importantly, perhaps are the many opportunities still available in the business intelligence realm for B2B solutions. The truth is that here they include those blockchain-based supercomputers which is that leverage thereby existing network resources to reduce cost while supporting greater computational power as platforms which come as those AI computing platform Tatau that is a blockchain-based, for instance, deploys unused resources on its blockchain for data processing and graphics rendering which could thrive on AWS’ massive network. Thereafter AWS could supply these services as part of larger BaaSofferings or even as standalone services that reduce its operational costs and dispense tremendous value. 

How Is Online Retail Industry Eyeing The AWS?

However according to Martin Levy, the co-founder, and CEO of Tatau, considering that Amazon offers a huge range of services from streaming video, to cloud computing, to bricks and mortar retail, as these decentralized solutions will surely have a sustainable advantage that is over AWS in the foreseeable future as AWS runs a cost+ model with slim margins and will not reduce prices significantly. It is here that this means that the decentralized players will always have a price advantage.

Consequently as for Amazon, it is entering the blockchain arena which is more than an opportunity, and at this point, as it has become a necessity where several of its largest competitors in the computing and business services sectors have a head start as first movers and have already proven successful. Thereafter IBM’s Hyperledger has for instance continuing to roll along adding partners and expanding its reach. Here the Network’s Cisco has also had a service online since late 2017, as even Microsoft has entered the fray with its enterprise blockchain. 

Consequently, according to Daniel Trachtenberg, the CEO and Founder of Zinc, who is a user-centric blockchain-based advertising protocol and app, AWS is all about providing infrastructure as a service as even though they have a nice set of proprietary services, their claim to fame is to deploy and scale any infrastructure service faster and easier than anyone out there. Therefore as an example, they are not shy to claim the 88% of TensorFlow projects run on AWS being TensorFlow a proprietary technology of Google as he thinks that AWS will be very serious about being one of the best and easiest ways to deploy a blockchain-based infrastructure. Therefore it not only provides templates, like they already do for Ethereum and Hyperledger but as a full-stack blockchain service interconnected with all other available products like storage, databases, development, machine learning, and IoT. 

Can Amazon Catch Up?

Even though by all accounts Amazon is a late entrant to the blockchain environment, the company has surely made overtures as early as 2017 but 2018 has seen it grow more aggressive in its forays into the blockchain. This is however with the industry quickly taking a more solid shape as Amazon has its work cut out. This is while its use case in the B2B space is obvious ignoring blockchain in the retail sector that could be harmful over the long run for the eCommerce behemoth as shoppers demand a more personalized experience as Amazon remains the de facto gatekeeper for most online retail, avoiding blockchain could derail this hegemony unless Amazon opts to join the race more seriously. 

So this is how the discussion concludes, as online retail is heavily dependent on the AWS as well as the blockchain effect that Amazon is dealing with very delicately. We require a more expansive technology to help the retailers reach a wider audience. Until then we might very well be content with Amazon and the AWS. More to learn along the way.  

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